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PDF online compression, large files can also "weight loss"!

PDF online compression, large files can also "weight loss"!

Comprimir PDF Comprimir PDF 1621 1621 09-16-2022

    Have you ever noticed that the volume of PDF documents commonly used in work and study is usually much larger than other documents such as Word and Excel. This is actually due to the powerful capacity of the PDF format, which can store pictures, text, videos and other content with high fidelity. So it is not surprising that tens of megabytes of PDF documents. However, it is easy to make the PDF document transmission process, because the document volume is too large, resulting in a decrease in transmission efficiency and affect work. Therefore, the editor will introduce a technique for online PDF compression, which can "weight loss" for PDF documents that are too large, and the above problems will be solved.

    First open the online PDF document processing platform - www.pdfasset.com

PDF online compression, large files can also "weight loss"!

    Then click the "Compress  PDF " option, enter the PDF file upload page, and select the PDF file to be compressed

compress PDF

    After the file is uploaded, click "Start Compression" to realize online PDF compression

    After the compression is complete, click "Download" to get the compressed PDF file

    It only takes four steps to complete the online PDF compression operation in less than a minute, and realize the "weight loss" of PDF documents. If you need it, please try it out.

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