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Such an easy-to-use PDF online merge skill, but you don't know it!

Such an easy-to-use PDF online merge skill, but you don't know it!

Fusionar PDF Fusionar PDF 1832 1832 10-12-2022

    At work, we will receive all kinds of PDF documents. After a long time, these documents will fill up the computer desktop and look messy. It takes a long time to find a document. In this case, it would be much more convenient if PDF documents with similar content could be grouped together.

    Of course, we can categorize them by creating folders; but in fact, it is more convenient to merge PDF documents of the same type together, and you only need to open one document next time.

    The following small series will teach you a technique for merging PDF online.

    Open the online PDF document processing platform - www.pdfasset.com

Such an easy-to-use PDF online merge skill, but you don't know it!

    Click the "Merge PDF" button to enter the file upload page, select and upload the PDF files that need to be merged

Merge PDF

    After the file upload is complete, click the "Start Merging" button to start online PDF merging

    Finally, click the "Download" button to get the merged PDF file.

    Using this PDF online merging technique, you can easily tidy up the messy desktop, and it is very convenient to find files. If you need it, please try it!


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