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How to convert Word to PDF in batches? Office essential skills

How to convert Word to PDF in batches? Office essential skills

Word a PDF Word a PDF 1788 1788 10-13-2022

    How to convert Word to PDF in batches? Word document is a kind of streaming editing document commonly used in our daily work. It is more suitable for editing content. However, this kind of document may be typographically deformed or garbled when opened in different devices or software. So how to solve it?

   We can convert Word into PDF with fixed typesetting. PDF is a layout document invented by Adobe, which has the characteristics of safety and stability, and there is no typesetting inconsistency when reading PDF. So how to convert Word to PDF? Batch Word to PDF Which tool is better for conversion? Don't worry, you will know after reading the following article.

   You can choose to convert Word to PDF online. You can search www.pdfasset.com, open the online conversion platform, and click the [Word to PDF] function on the page after entering the home page.

How to convert Word to PDF in batches? Office essential skills

   Then you will enter the page for uploading files, click [Select File] to open the pop-up page, find the Word file you want to upload, hold down the ctrl key to select multiple files, and then click upload, you can upload 10 files at a time.

Word to PDF

   When the Word file is uploaded, you can see the [Start Conversion] button on the page, click it and wait for a while to complete the conversion, and then click [Download] to save the file locally.

How to convert Word to PDF in batches? The above is the method to realize batch conversion of Word to PDF with the help of the PDFasset online conversion platform, not only Word to PDF, PPT to PDF, Excel to PDF can also be operated on the website, more PDF conversion function, welcome to the website to experience it.


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