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What are the methods of merging multiple pages of pdf? What platform is best to use?

What are the methods of merging multiple pages of pdf? What platform is best to use?

Fusionar PDF Fusionar PDF 1428 1428 03-28-2023

I don't know if you in front of the screen have mastered the skill of quickly merging multiple pages of pdf? Many people feel very embarrassed when they need to combine multiple pages of pdf. Because not everyone has mastered this skill. Of course, some smart people will choose to download some corresponding office software to help them solve this problem. But if it is just inconvenient to download some software, how should we operate it? If you don't know, let's learn the operation steps in this area together.

Step 1. Open your browser and search for www.pdfasset.com. Entering the homepage of the website, click [ Merge PDF].

What are the methods of merging multiple pages of pdf? What platform is best to use?

Step 2: After waiting for the page to jump, click the [Select File] button, and in the pop-up window, select and open the PDF file you need to merge, and you can hold down the Ctrl key for batch operations.

merge PDF

Step 3. After the file is uploaded, after a few seconds, click [Download] to get the merged file.

Presumably seeing here, everyone has learned how to quickly merge multiple pages of pdf. As long as this skill is mastered, other methods of operation can also be inferred. Of course, if the workload is heavy, it is recommended that you go to PDFasset. For example, PDFasset is a well-received work platform. In addition to fast merging, the platform also provides functions such as PDF merging and PDF compression.

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