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Is there any way to merge pdf? What should I do?

Is there any way to merge pdf? What should I do?

Fusionar PDF Fusionar PDF 1780 1780 06-11-2023

As a file format that people often use in their daily study, life and daily work in the workplace, pdf often requires some basic operations on pdf due to the different situations we face. And the most used operation is to merge pdf. So how to merge pdf? I recommend using PDFasset. Let me take PDFasset as an example to tell you how to merge PDFs.

Step 1. Open your browser and search for PDFasset. Entering the homepage of the website, click [ Merge PDF].

Is there any way to merge pdf

Step 2: After waiting for the page to jump, click the [Select File] button, and in the pop-up window, select and open the PDF file you need to merge, and you can hold down the Ctrl key for batch operations.

merge PDF

 Step 3. After the file is uploaded, after a few seconds, click [Download] to get the merged file.

It is very convenient to use PDFasset to merge PDF online. This website is compact and convenient, and it is easy to use. You only need to follow the guidance of its graphical interface and remember it step by step. You don’t need to download and install, and you can complete the operation online.

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