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File also want to lose weight? Then try PDF online compression

File also want to lose weight? Then try PDF online compression

Compresser PDF Compresser PDF 1607 1607 10-26-2022

    As office workers who often come into contact with PDFs, we also know that too large PDFs also have disadvantages: large documents occupy memory, and opening documents is very slow; large documents are slow to transfer, and it is already dawn to upload a document! Therefore, sometimes too large PDF is one of the important reasons for low work efficiency. Having said all that, is there any way to "reduce weight" for large PDFs?

   Of course, you can try the following PDF online compression skills.

   First, go to the PDF online processing platform: www.pdfasset.com

File also want to lose weight? Then try PDF online compression

   Then click the "Compress PDF" option, enter the PDF file upload page, and select the PDF file to be compressed

compress PDF

   After the file is uploaded, click "Start Compression" to realize online PDF compression;

   After the compression is complete, click "Download" to get the compressed PDF file.

   The following is a comparison of before and after PDF document compression, the effect is very obvious.

   This method is very easy to master, and the friends have learned about it when they see it, so go and try it!

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