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Is it too troublesome to turn one by one? Teach you batch Excel to PDF

Is it too troublesome to turn one by one? Teach you batch Excel to PDF

Excel en PDF Excel en PDF 1509 1509 11-24-2022

    Sometimes it is necessary to convert a large number of Excel to PDF at work, but it is too time-consuming and laborious to convert one by one, and it will also delay us to do other work. So how to convert Excel to PDF in batches? Don't worry, listen to me slowly, it only takes a few simple steps.

   First, we need to open the PDF online document processing platform—www.pdfasset.com

Is it too troublesome to turn one by one? Teach you batch Excel to PDF

   Next, we select the "Excel to PDF" option to enter the page for uploading Excel files, which supports uploading up to 10 files at a time

Excel to PDF

  After uploading the file, we click the "Start Conversion" option

  After all the files are converted, we can click the "Download" button to get the converted PDF file

  It only takes a few simple steps to complete the tedious work of converting Excel to PDF in batches, and we can also do other things during the conversion, which greatly improves work efficiency. If you think it's good, then try it now.

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