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How to convert excel to pdf? come with me

How to convert excel to pdf? come with me

Excel en PDF Excel en PDF 1761 1761 03-16-2023

Because of the need for statistical data, everyone often uses excel tables in the workplace. Excel can not only be used for statistical data, but also for drawing graphics. It is very helpful to professionals at work, but there is a big problem with using excel. The problem is that it is easy to modify. If you send it to a colleague for viewing, if you accidentally modify the data and cause an error, the file will be invalid. In order to avoid this situation, many people choose to convert excel to pdf format, and then proceed Send it, so that you are not afraid of the file being modified. How to convert excel into a pdf file?

The first step is to open the browser and search for www.pdfasset.com

How to convert excel to pdf? come with me

The second step, after entering the website, click "Excel to PDF"

excel to pdf

The third step is to upload the Excel you need to convert to the conversion window

The fourth step, wait for a few seconds, you can get the PDF after successful conversion

How to convert excel into pdf files, this topic is discussed here, everyone must know that format conversion is often encountered in work, so format conversion skills are very necessary to master in the workplace, especially how to convert excel into PDF file, because the data in the excel table is very important, and the transmission should be particularly cautious. PDFasset is required for file format conversion.

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