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No matter how big the file is, how about online PDF splitting?

No matter how big the file is, how about online PDF splitting?

Diviser le PDF Diviser le PDF 1526 1526 05-22-2023

Whether it is a student party or an office worker, it is inevitable to exchange documents with classmates and colleagues. In order to prevent random modification and editing, we usually save them in PDF format, which not only ensures the security of documents, but also enables the stability of PDF documents. Strong features, perfect display of our results. However, PDF files have a disadvantage, that is, if there are more pictures and paragraphs of text, the file will be very large, and sometimes the information we want to share with classmates and colleagues may be only a few pages, and there is no need to put the complete document share it. At this time, you only need to enter the PDF online conversion platform - www.pdfasset.com, and you can realize the online PDF splitting operation, no matter how large the file is. Let's learn how to split PDF online together.

Open the browser and search for www.pdfasset.com

No matter how big the file is, how about online PDF splitting?

Click "Split PDF" to enter the PDF file upload page, and add the PDF file to be split to the window;

split  PDF

Click "Start immediately" and wait for a moment to realize online PDF splitting;

After the split is complete, click the "Download" button to obtain the split document;

Isn't it very easy! With the PDFasset website, which file is too large to tear down which one, no longer afraid of the boss's oversized PDF file! Of course, the PDFasset website can not only split PDFs, but also merge PDFs! In short, this website handles all kinds of PDF operations!

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