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How to merge 2 jpg files into 1 pdf

How to merge 2 jpg files into 1 pdf

Fusionner PDF Fusionner PDF 2591 2591 05-25-2023

When you want to combine two JPG files into a single PDF, the best choice is to use a reliable tool. One highly recommended option is PDFasset. This online PDF conversion platform allows you to easily merge JPG files into a single PDF document. Here’s how:

  1. Convert JPG to PDF: First, use PDFasset's "JPG to PDF" feature to convert each JPG file to PDF format.

  2. Merge PDF: Next, use the "Merge PDF" function to combine the converted files into one PDF.

Let’s walk through the steps in detail.

Step-by-Step Guide to Merging PDFs with PDFasset

Step 1: Open your browser, go to www.pdfasset.com, and click on the [Merge PDF] option on the homepage.

Step 2: After navigating to the merge page, click [Select File]. In the pop-up window, select the PDF files you wish to merge. You can hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple files at once for batch operations.

Step 3: Once your files are uploaded, wait a few seconds, and then click [Download] to obtain the merged PDF file.

By following these three simple steps, you can merge PDFs with ease. Save this guide, and use these steps whenever you need to merge PDF files online for work or personal use. If you have files in other formats, you can convert them to PDF first, then merge them following the same process—it's quick and convenient with PDFasset!

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