I believe everyone knows that because PDF text documents are a relatively safe format, so when we encounter secret documents and materials, we will convert the format to PDF. Generally speaking, people use more excel to pdf. Document. excel document is an indispensable format file for people in the office. Its writing application is very powerful. Generally, people use excel document to solve the data information of business secrets. Although the writing characteristics of excel document Very good, but it is not very secure, so in order to ensure that its data information is not destroyed, people will convert the file format. So, how to convert the format file in detail?
1.go to the PDF online conversion service platform - www.pdfasset.com
2.Click the "Excel to PDF " icon, enter the function page, click "Select File", and submit the Excel text document
3.After the text document is uploaded, click "Convert" to start the online Excel to PDF conversion
4.After converting Excel to PDF, click "Download" to receive the converted text document
Have you learned about the conversion of Excel to PDF? If you learn it, try it now!