We often say that work and study should pay attention to methods and efficiency. But in fact, there are too many factors in our work that affect our efficiency. For example, when we encounter PDF documents with complex content, many pages and huge volumes, we have to ask the network if we want to transmit them quickly. More than half an hour is inevitable. What should we do in this situation? Of course, it is to compress the PDF. In order to keep the content of the PDF document undistorted, it is necessary to master the following method of online PDF compression.
First open the online PDF document processing platform - www.pdfasset.com
Then click the "Compress PDF " option, enter the PDF file upload page, and select the PDF file to be compressed
After the file is uploaded, click "Start Compression" to realize online PDF compression;
After the compression is complete, click "Download" to get the compressed PDF file.
Only four steps are needed to complete the online PDF compression operation, the compressed PDF document can be quickly transmitted, and the work efficiency will naturally improve!