PPT to PDF is often used in our daily work. After we create a beautiful PPT, in order to better transmit and send it to others, we usually perform the PPT to PDF operation. Many people dont know how to convert PPT to PDF. Lets take a look with me! Today I will introduce to you a method
PPT and PDF are commonly used file formats. Generally, ppt is used in conference activities, which is more intuitive, and video graphics can be added. Sometimes it is necessary to convert ppt to pdf during work. How to convert PPT to PDF? Now let me tell you about the conversion process in detail.
First of all, we need to open the website. You can directly search PDFasset, enter the website and click on the page [PPT to PDF].
Jump to the page, then click the [Select File] button on the page, select the PPT files to be converted in batches, and then click [Open] to upload.
After the document is successfully uploaded, click [Start Conversion], and then you can convert the PPT into PDF format in batches. After the conversion is complete, click [Download] to save the converted PDF file locally.
I have already introduced the relevant process of converting PPT to PDF. If you need to convert the document format in your daily work, you can directly use PDFasset. It is an online operation website and it is more convenient to operate.