We all know that PDF files are not easy to edit, easy to transfer, and support complete display on various platforms, so we all like to convert Excel files to PDF transmission. If we need to modify Excel, we need to transfer the file back. But how to convert PDF to Excel? It's actually quite simple, and you're guaranteed to know it as soon as you learn it.
1.First, we open the online PDF document processing platform - www.pdfasset.com
2.Click the "PDF to Excel" function to enter the PDF file upload page and upload the PDF file that needs to be converted
3.After the file is uploaded, click "Start Conversion" to start the online PDF to Excel conversion
4.Finally, click "Download" to get the converted Excel file
Just four simple steps to complete the PDF to Excel conversion, which takes less than a minute. It can be said to be the easiest PDF to Excel tutorial, and you can understand it at a glance. If you learn it, go and try it, it will be beyond your expectations.