Have you ever encountered such a situation that you have finally processed a document and prepared to send it to the leader, but unexpectedly there is a problem that the document is too large and cannot be sent. What needs to be done at this time? Of course online PDF compression. But how to do online PDF compression? There are many PDF compression methods on the Internet. I found a simple and convenient online PDF compression method that does not need to download and install software, and the compressed document can still maintain a high definition. Let's take a look at the specific operation!
First, go to the PDF online editing platform: www.pdfasset.com
Next, click the "Compress PDF " icon to enter the document upload page and upload the document that needs to be compressed.
Then, click "Start Compression" to realize online PDF compression
Finally, click the "Download" button to get the compressed file
The above is a simple and convenient online summary that I has worked so hard to summarize through various attempts.
PDF compression method, the compressed document maintains high definition and is safe and reliable. Master this online PDF compression trick to boost your productivity.