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How to batch remove watermark from pdf? The role of pdf watermark

How to batch remove watermark from pdf? The role of pdf watermark

Rimuovi filigrana da PDF Rimuovi filigrana da PDF 1822 1822 10-29-2022

        To remove watermark from pdf in batches, you can go to PDFasset, I will tell you how to remove the watermark in the next article. The watermark of the pdf file is to protect the intellectual property rights of the file, and it is a way for the author to protect his own work. Below I will briefly introduce the method of batch watermark removal from pdf.

        The first step is to open the website and enter www.pdfasset.com

How to batch remove watermark from pdf? The role of pdf watermark

        The second step, after entering the website, select the "remove watermark from PDF" function, and then click "Upload File"

remove watermark from PDF

        The third step, after the PDF file is uploaded, we click the "Start Removal" button, wait for a few seconds, the watermark of the PDF file will be removed;

        The fourth step, and then select "Download", you can save the watermarked PDF file to the desktop.

        The role of pdf watermark

        A watermark can not only convey information about the author, but also add visual interest to a document without affecting the content of the document. In addition, watermarks also play a very important defensive role in protecting file security and preventing files from being maliciously stolen by others. In fact, in addition to the watermark, there are also methods such as setting a password, or setting editing permissions, printing permissions, copying permissions, etc., which can protect PDF documents.

       There are many ways to remove watermarks in pdf batches. You can use software to remove them, or you can find professionals to use image processing software to remove them. You can go to the Internet to find the method of batch pdf watermark removal.

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