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Refuse to wait, PDF compression gives you a smooth experience of file transfer!

Refuse to wait, PDF compression gives you a smooth experience of file transfer!

PDFを圧縮 PDFを圧縮 1685 1685 11-04-2022

Although the current office software is getting better and better, the office files are getting bigger and bigger. The larger and larger office files make it more and more difficult for us to transfer, and the time required to open them is getting slower and slower, so is there any way to easily solve the problem of excessively large files? Of course there is, let's learn it with me.

First, go to the PDF online conversion platform: www.pdfasset.com

Refuse to wait, PDF compression gives you a smooth experience of file transfer!

Next, click the "Compress PDF" icon to enter the document upload page and upload the document that needs to be compressed

compress pdf

Then, click the "Start Compression" button to realize online PDF compression

Finally, click the "Download" button to get the compressed file

Look, this PDF compression will not have any impact on the PDF document at all, and it can also greatly reduce the size of the PDF document, making transmission and reading more enjoyable

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