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How to merge pdf into one? What is the method?

How to merge pdf into one? What is the method?

PDFを結合 PDFを結合 1481 1481 04-05-2023

        How to merge pdf into one? Presumably everyone has such a question in their minds. In our work, we will inevitably come into contact with PDF files or word documents of various contents. These documents may be forwarded to us by leaders or colleagues. When we need to view the content, it is too cumbersome to click and view one by one. At this time, it is particularly important to merge these PDF documents into one. Operating it quickly will help improve our work efficiency and be appreciated by the leaders. How should it be done? Let's learn together.

        Step 1. Open your browser and search for www.pdfasset.com. Entering the homepage of the website, click [ Merge PDF]

How to merge pdf into one? What is the method?

        Step 2: After waiting for the page to jump, click the [Select File] button, and in the pop-up window, select and open the PDF file you need to merge, and you can hold down the Ctrl key for batch operations

merge PDF online

        Step 3. After the file is uploaded, after a few seconds, click [Download] to get the merged file.

Using the PDFasset platform to merge files is the most recommended method. It can also be called the optimal solution in the answer to the question of how to combine pdfs into one. It can not only help us quickly merge files, but also convert their format properties.

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