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Precautions for pdf compression

PDFを圧縮 PDFを圧縮 1536 1536 08-01-2023

PDF compression and reducing the memory of files as much as possible is one of the biggest demands of contemporary people. After all, the price of memory is getting more and more expensive. And many times after some of our information is deleted, we can no longer find the backup, which may cause great trouble to our work. How to do pdf compression, many people have not found the most convenient method, and may take some detours to delay their working time.

This first step is to open the browser and search for PDFasset

Precautions for pdf compression

The second step, click "Compress PDF" to enter the function page

compress pdf

The third step is to click "Select Add File" to upload the file to be compressed to the current window

The fourth step, wait for a few seconds, the PDF compression operation can be completed

The above are the most convenient and easy-to-use methods of pdf compression. Trying more and mastering some of the best, easiest and most time-saving methods will make our work more efficient. And it can also alleviate many of our embarrassments in the workplace. It is not easy for newbies to get hired, and it is always good to learn more skills.

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