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PDF online compression, no matter how large the document can be "thin"

PDF online compression, no matter how large the document can be "thin"

PDF 압축 PDF 압축 1672 1672 08-12-2022

    The PDF file format can encapsulate text, fonts, formatting, color hypertext links, sound, moving images, and graphic images independent of device and resolution in a single file. Therefore, it is not surprising that the large-volume PDF documents we come into contact with in our work and study. In order to facilitate transmission and storage, some people will download special compression software. In fact, as long as you master the following online PDF compression method, you can easily solve the problem of too large PDF .

    First open the online PDF document processing platform - www.pdfasset.com

PDF online compression, no matter how large the document can be "thin"

    Then click the "compress PDF" option, enter the PDF file upload page, and select the PDF file to be compressed

compress PDF

    After the file is uploaded, click "Start Compression" to realize online PDF compression

    After the compression is complete, click "Download" to get the compressed PDF

    Through the above 4 steps, no matter how big the PDF document is, it can be "slim" down!

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