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Simple and fast way to convert excel to PDF!

Simple and fast way to convert excel to PDF!

Excel에서 PDF로 Excel에서 PDF로 1557 1557 08-31-2022

     Workplace common sense: To look at the personal ability and quality of workplace workers, it is necessary to see how well the data analysis report made by this person is good or not. Therefore, when we use execl to write statistical reports, we must keep the excel table as concise as possible in the process of making data charts. Sometimes the excel table we have made is sent out, but it is garbled. At this time, you must be very angry.

    How can we prevent such a state, it is actually very simple. Next, the editor will teach you the skills of converting excel to PDF. Let's learn it from me!

    1.Open the PDF online document processing platform - www.pdfasset.com

Simple and fast way to convert excel to PDF!

    2.Click the "Excel to PDF" option to enter the Excel file upload page, and select the Excel file to be uploaded

Excel to PDF

    3.After the file upload is complete, click "Start Conversion" to start converting Excel to PDF

    4.After the conversion is complete, click "Download" to convert the files after the conversion is complete

    The above is the method of converting an excel file to a PDF file. Is it very simple?

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