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How to add watermark in pdf? Make documents more secure

How to add watermark in pdf? Make documents more secure

PDF에 워터마크 PDF에 워터마크 1462 1462 09-20-2022

    We often need to add watermarks to PDF documents to ensure the security of our documents, but some friends may not know how to add watermarks to pdfs. The editor has shared a detailed tutorial for you here. Users who need it can follow Follow the steps below, let's take a look at it together!

    Open the browser and find the official website of PDFasset. After entering the website, click the [Watermark PDF] function

How to add watermark in pdf? Make documents more secure

    Click to enter a new page, click [Select File] on the page, then find and select the PDF document that needs to be watermarked, and click [Open] to complete the upload

How to add watermark in pdf? Make documents more secure

    After the file is uploaded, click [Start Conversion] and wait for a few seconds to complete the PDF watermarking

    Click Download to get the watermarked PDF

    The above is what I introduced to you about how to add watermark to pdf. After learning the above steps of adding watermark to PDF, you can add watermark to PDF, so that we can better protect our PDF, Act now!

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