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Three minutes to learn PDF split method

Three minutes to learn PDF split method

PDF 분할 PDF 분할 1513 1513 05-20-2023

 ecently, I have received a lot of feedback from users that the problem of merging multiple PDFs is already familiar, but can PDF documents be split? What is the method of operation? Don't worry, today's graphic tutorial will answer this question, the following are the steps to split PDF documents.

Open the browser and search for www.pdfasset.com

Three minutes to learn PDF split method

Click "Split PDF" to enter the PDF file upload page, and add the PDF file to be split to the window

split PDF

Click "Start immediately" and wait for a moment to realize online PDF splitting;

After the split is complete, click the "Download" button to obtain the split document;

The online PDF splitting is completed in this way. Whether it is merging or splitting PDF documents, the operation steps are very convenient. You can master it after reading the tutorial. Have you learned it?

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