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What to do if the PDF cannot be edited after being converted to Word

What to do if the PDF cannot be edited after being converted to Word

PDF에서 워드로 PDF에서 워드로 1482 1482 08-28-2023

Usually when we process PDF documents, we need to edit them, but PDF cannot be edited directly on it like Word, and it is difficult to modify, so we usually convert PDF to Word first. Most of the time, PDF files can be directly modified after being converted to Word, but there are still some PDF files that cannot be copied or modified after being converted to Word. What's the matter? This is caused by the way PDF is generated. There are many ways to generate PDF. One of the methods is to generate by scanning paper or directly by using pictures. In this way, each page in the PDF is a picture. After becoming Word, it is naturally a picture. Then we can try the following method to convert a picture-style PDF file into a Word document that can be copied and modified. What is the online PDF to Word conversion method? Come take a look with me.

The first step is to open the browser and search for PDFasset

What to do if the PDF cannot be edited after being converted to Word

The second step is to find the "PDF to Word" function and upload the document you need to convert to the conversion window

PDF to Word

The third step, wait for a few seconds, the conversion can be completed 

The fourth step, click the "Download" button to get the converted document

The online PDF to Word conversion method supports batch upload and one-click conversion operations. It is as fast as converting with a PDF converter client, and I think it is better than a PDF converter, because using a PDF converter to convert PDF to Word requires Downloading and installing the software is cumbersome, but the online method, as long as there is a network, you can convert PDF documents anytime and anywhere. No matter which method you use to convert PDF documents, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. You can do it according to your needs. choose.

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