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How to add watermarks to pdf in batches?

How to add watermarks to pdf in batches?

PDF에 워터마크 PDF에 워터마크 1510 1510 09-24-2023

Many friends have seen that image watermarks are added to many PDF documents. These watermarks are very beautiful. It also increases the readability of the article. Of course, the purpose of adding image watermarks is not just this, but for better protection. Regarding the content of the document, some friends also want to add image watermarks to their PDF documents, but they don’t know how to do it. So what is the method to add watermarks to PDFs? How to add watermarks to pdf in batches? Next, I will give my friends a detailed analysis to provide some reference.

This first step is to open the browser and search for PDFasset

How to add watermarks to pdf in batches?

The second step is to find the "watermark PDF" function and upload the document you need to process.

watermark pdf

The third step, Enter your watermark content and wait a few seconds to complete

The fourth step is to click the "Download" button to get the watermarked file.

How to add watermark images to pdf? The above has introduced to you the related issues about adding watermark images to PDF. If you want to add watermark to the PDF document, you can follow the above method. At the same time, we can also set the watermark so that it will not It affects the reading experience.

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