How to convert PDF documents to image format? We often come into contact with documents in PDF format in our daily life. In addition to reading PDF documents, we often encounter PDF conversion problems, such as PDF to Word or PDF to JPG. We all know that PDF documents cannot be edited directly. If we want to convert PDF formats, we also need to use PDF converters to complete them. Today, the editor will tell you an online conversion method, allowing you to easily complete the operation of converting PDF to pictures.
Open a browser, search for, enter the home page and find the [PDF to JPG] function, click to jump to the page
After entering the new page, click [Select File] in the middle of the page to open the pop-up page of the uploaded document, find the PDF document that needs to be converted on the computer, click to select it and click [Open] to upload it
After the document is uploaded successfully, set the output format on the page, you can choose the output as PNG, JPG or long image. After the setting is completed, you can click [Start Conversion], and then click [Download] to save the image to the computer.
How to convert PDF documents to JPG format? The above is the operation method of converting PDF documents to image format through the PDFasset online conversion platform, have you learned?