In this era of knowledge sharing, some small partners like to share work and study materials in PDF format with friends or colleagues, or upload them online for easy sharing with most netizens. This is supposed to be a good thing for everyone, but over time, some friends will find that the content of the documents they share has been stolen without their knowledge. In fact, watermarking PDFs can greatly reduce the occurrence of such incidents. Now let's learn how to watermark PDF.
First, enter the online PDF document processing platform: PDFasset
Then, click the "Watermark PDF" icon to enter the PDF document upload page, and add the PDF document you want to add watermark to the window
Next, enter the watermark content and click the "Start Now" button to start watermarking the PDF
Finally, after the addition is successful, click the "Download" button to get the watermarked document
How, is it easy? With this PDF watermarking method, you can add a layer of protection to your PDF files!