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How to merge two pdf files? Methods of online merging

How to merge two pdf files? Methods of online merging

Gabung PDF Gabung PDF 1700 1700 12-08-2022

    In working life, sometimes our boss will ask us to do some PDF conversion type files. It's fine to only do one or two of these files, but doing it in large batches can be dizzying, until one day, I found a shortcut to do PDF conversions. In addition to PDF compositing, this method can also convert PDFs to other files. Now, how to merge multiple pdfs into one pdf? What to watch out for? How to choose online tools and software? Let me tell you about the platform for file merging in the workplace - PDFasset.

    Step 1. Open your browser and search for www.pdfasset.com. After entering the homepage of the website, click [PDF Merge]

How to combine multiple pdfs into one pdf? learn with me

    Step 2: After waiting for the page to jump, click the [Select File] button, and in the pop-up window, select and open the PDF file you need to merge, and you can hold down the Ctrl key for batch operations

merge PDF

    Step 3. After the file is uploaded, enter the file name and click [Start merging]. After a few seconds, click [Download] to get the merged file

    How to combine multiple pdfs into one pdf? What to watch out for? How to choose online tools and software? Of course, choose PDFasset for online merging!

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