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Início > Tutorial de Conversão de PDF > PDF para JPG >

This online PDF to JPG conversion method is really simple!

This online PDF to JPG conversion method is really simple!

PDF para JPG PDF para JPG 1696 1696 08-18-2022

    PDF documents are becoming more and more popular for work and study, but there are still many people who do not have a PDF reader installed on their computers. Sometimes when we want to share the PDF file with others and send it directly to him, he can't open it. Then a screenshot? While the screenshots are fine, the resolution isn't guaranteed and the text isn't legible. So what else can be done? Of course, we have to learn a way to convert PDF to pictures online, which can not only be easily opened on other devices but also will not affect the resolution.

    First, enter the PDF online processing platform: www.pdfasset.com

This online PDF to JPG conversion method is really simple!

    Then, click the "PDF to JPG" icon to enter the PDF document upload page, and add the PDF document to be converted to the conversion window


    Next, click the "Start Conversion" button to complete the online PDF to JPG conversion

    Finally, after the conversion is successful, click the "Download" button to get the converted document

    Using this method, you can complete the online PDF to JPG conversion without installing any converter, which is convenient and fast.

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