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This little-known PDF compression trick is so useful

This little-known PDF compression trick is so useful

Comprimir PDF Comprimir PDF 1840 1840 09-23-2022

    If the PDF file is too large, it takes up a lot of memory on the computer and mobile phone. Whether it is sending emails , the transmission is very slow and inconvenient. When opening a PDF document for reading, it is also time-consuming to load and open the document. Without affecting the quality of PDF reading, compressing the PDF to a smaller size greatly improves the experience of PDF reading, transmission, and download.

    So how to reduce PDF compression? Let's share a PDF online compression technique, which can be done in just 3 steps, and friends who need it come here.

    First, open the PDF online editing platform: www.pdfasset.com

This little-known PDF compression trick is so useful

    Then click the "Compress PDF" icon to enter the PDF file upload page, and import the file that needs to be compressed in PDF

compress PDF

    After the file is uploaded, click "Start Compression", and it only takes a few seconds to realize the online PDF compression operation

    Finally, click the "Download" button to get the compressed PDF document

    The above is the operation skills of PDF online compression, have you learned it? I hope to be helpful!


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