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Início > Tutorial de Conversão de PDF > PDF para PPT >

You haven't learned this PDF to PPT skill yet? learn with me

You haven't learned this PDF to PPT skill yet? learn with me

PDF para PPT PDF para PPT 1624 1624 09-24-2022

    We need to convert the document format at work, which is convenient for our daily office. Last time I encountered a problem, I needed to convert the PDF on my hand to PPT, but I couldn't do it. Later, I finally found an online conversion platform - PDFasset, on which PPT to PDF can be easily realized. Come with me to see the specific steps.

     First of all, we need to use the online PDF conversion platform: www.pdfasset.com

You haven't learned this PDF to PPT skill yet? learn with me

    After opening the website through the browser, click "PDF to PPT" on the home page


    After entering the file upload page, upload the PDF file to be converted. Then, click "Start Conversion" to start the operation of converting PDF to PPT.

    Finally, click the "Download" button to get the converted PPT document.

    I hope this simple and easy-to-operate PDF to PPT trick can help you in your future work and improve your work efficiency!


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