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PDF online compression, free up your computer space

PDF online compression, free up your computer space

Comprimir PDF Comprimir PDF 1756 1756 10-05-2022

    As documents in PDF format become more and more popular, we receive more and more PDF documents in our study and work, and it is common to receive hundreds of megabytes of PDF documents. PDF files that are too large are not only difficult to transmit, but will also fill up the computer's disk over time, causing the computer to run stuttering, which greatly affects the experience. Therefore, the editor will introduce a method of online PDF compression, which can help you solve this problem! Come and learn!

    First open the online PDF document processing platform - www.pdfasset.com

PDF online compression, free up your computer space

    Then click the "Compress PDF" option, enter the PDF file upload page, and select the PDF file to be compressed

compress PDF

    After the file is uploaded, click "Start Compression" to realize online PDF compression

    After the compression is complete, click "Download" to get the compressed PDF file

    With this method, you can free up a lot of computer space and restore the smooth running speed of the computer!

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