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What are Excel and pdf? How to convert Excel to PDF

What are Excel and pdf? How to convert Excel to PDF

Excel para PDF Excel para PDF 1533 1533 10-23-2022

    Excel is a spreadsheet program that edits tables, analyzes and calculates table information. There are many functions, which are convenient for users to study office and convey information. PDF is a text format with neat layout. It is very convenient to read and transmit information. The content cannot be modified at will. It needs to be converted to other text formats for modification to protect the information. When there is a need for reading, you can convert excel to pdf, which is convenient for reading and saving information to achieve the purpose. Now let me introduce you in detail what is excel and pdf and how to convert them.

    What is excel? what is pdf?

    Excel is a spreadsheet program developed by Microsoft Corporation. It is one of the core components of the Microsoft Office family. It provides support for XML and new functions that make it easier to analyze and share information. You can define part of a spreadsheet as a list and export it to a website. Smart tags in Excel are more flexible, and improvements to statistical functions allow you to analyze information more efficiently, making it a useful spreadsheet program.

    The PDF (Portable Document Format) file format is a text format developed by Adobe. The same PDF is also determined. For example, the content you want to modify is unmodifiable. If you want to modify the content of the PDF document, you need to convert the PDF into a Word format document for efficient editing.

     How to convert Excel to PDF?

    Open the browser and enter www.pdfasset.com

  What are Excel and pdf? How to convert Excel to PDF

    Enter the homepage of the website, click the "Excel to PDF" function, and enter the conversion window

What are Excel and pdf? How to convert Excel to PDF

    Click "Choose to add files", upload the Excel you want to convert to the conversion window, click "Start conversion", wait for a few seconds, then the conversion will be completed

    Click the "Download" button to get the converted PDF

    The above is what I introduced to you about excel and pdf, their functions and the operation steps of how to realize excel to pdf through PDFasset. I hope it can help you.

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