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How to merge PDF? PDF merging tool recommended

How to merge PDF? PDF merging tool recommended

Mesclar PDF Mesclar PDF 1707 1707 10-31-2022

    How to merge PDF What about merging into one PDF? According to the traditional method, if you want to merge PDFs, you not only need to download software, but it is also relatively cumbersome to operate! So is there any tool that can quickly solve the problem of PDF merging? Of course, we can use the PDFasset website to Merge PDFs online.

    Open the browser and search to find the PDFasset official website, click to enter the homepage of the website and find the [PDF Merge] function on the page, and click this function to jump to the page

How to merge PDF? PDF merging tool recommended

   After entering the function page, click [Select File] on the page to open the pop-up window for uploading files, hold down the ctrl key to select the PDF file to be merged, and click [Open] to quickly upload the file

merge PDF

    Wait a few seconds to complete the file upload, set the file name for the merged file, and then click the [Start Merge] button, wait for the merge to complete, and then click [Download] to save the file.

    Have you all learned the methods described above? Friends of the institute, go to the website to experience it

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