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Teach you how to use online PDF compression to get a portfolio!

Teach you how to use online PDF compression to get a portfolio!

Comprimir PDF Comprimir PDF 1696 1696 11-12-2022

    It's the end of the year again. Are there a lot of designer friends who are sorting out their portfolios and plan to change jobs after the new year? Looking at your hundreds of megabytes of PDF portfolio, are you thinking about how to put this file into the mailbox attachment? Don't worry, I'm here to teach you how to use online PDF compression to easily get your portfolio done.

  First we need a PDF online editing platform: www.pdfasset.com

Teach you how to use online PDF compression to get a portfolio!

  Click the "Compress PDF" icon to enter the document upload page, upload the PDF format portfolio that needs to be compressed

compress PDF

  After the file is uploaded, click the "Start Compression" button to complete online PDF compression

  After the PDF file is compressed, download it to the computer

  This online PDF compression is really suitable for designers and friends. The image quality of the file before and after compression is basically unchanged, and it can also compress the file to the smallest size, which is really great!

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