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How to add watermark to pdf? PDFasset can do it

How to add watermark to pdf? PDFasset can do it

Marca d'água em PDF Marca d'água em PDF 1854 1854 01-02-2023

     How to add watermark to pdf, this is a problem we often encounter in our work, many people don’t know how to add watermark to PDF, I hope that through today’s study, you can meet the need to add watermark to PDF in your future work It can be solved quickly in time, come and see with me how to add watermark to PDF!

      Step 1: Search www.pdfasset.com in your browser and enter the home page of PDFasset

How to add watermark to pdf? PDFasset can do it

      Step 2: Find the "Watermark PDF" function on the home page, and click to enter the file upload page

add watermark to pdf

      Step 3: Click to upload the PDF file that needs to be watermarked, then select the watermark type, set the watermark format, etc., click "Start Adding", wait a few seconds after the addition is complete, and click "Download" to get the file

      We should understand that every PDF is the painstaking effort of the creator, so in order to better protect the PDF, let’s add a watermark to your own PDF. We can use the PDFasset tool to quickly add watermarks.


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