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How much do you know about online PDF document merging skills

How much do you know about online PDF document merging skills

Mesclar PDF Mesclar PDF 1519 1519 02-09-2023

In daily office and study, have you ever encountered such a situation: clicking multiple PDF files one by one is troublesome and time-consuming, and when sending PDF files by email, it is inconvenient for the recipient to view them, and multiple attachments need to be added. This is the problem of merging multiple PDFs, how to solve this problem, any tips? Yes, what I share today is PDF merging skills.

It's actually very simple, let's take a look at the steps below.

Enter directly in the browser: www.pdfasset.com

How much do you know about online PDF document merging skills

Select the "Merge PDF" function to enter the PDF merge page

merge PDF

Directly drag and drop the PDF documents to be merged, or click the "Select File" button to add the merged document. The interface after adding the document is as follows:

Click "Start Merging" to complete the PDF document merging and provide the merged document download.

Only need a simple 4-step operation, you can easily solve the problem of PDF merging, convenient, fast and safe~~ You can first bookmark the PDFasset online conversion website, in addition to PDF merging, you can also deal with other problems of various PDF document editing.


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