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How to remove watermark from PDF for free?

We usually find that many electronic materials have watermarks in the process of work, so how do we remove watermarks from PDF for free? Because the pdf file watermark is mainly to ensure the copyright of the pdf file. You can use PDFasse to remove the watermark, because PDFasset can remove the pdf watermark for free, you can try it.

Open the website and enter PDFasset;

How to remove watermark from PDF for free

After entering the website, select the "remove watermark from pdf" function, and then click "Upload File"

remove watermark from pdf

After the PDF file is uploaded, we click the "Start Removal" button, wait for a few seconds, and the watermark of the PDF file will be removed;

Then select "Download" to save the PDF file with the watermark removed to the desktop

Everyone must have learned the free PDF watermark removal method, and you can use the learning method when facing pdf watermarks in the future, so that you can effectively remove pdf watermarks.

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