In work and study, we often encounter PDF files with large volume and many pages. Generally, the key documents we need are only a few pages. When transferring, displaying and viewing files, it is not necessary to use a whole document. So we have to split the PDF and extract the key pages of the document. At this time, some friends immediately went to the Internet to check the relevant software, downloaded and installed several kinds to try; in fact, there is no need for this trouble, here is an online PDF split method, no software required, simple and fast.
First, open the online PDF document processing platform - PDFasset
Then click the "Split PDF " function to enter the PDF file upload page and upload the PDF file to be split
After the file is uploaded, click the "Start Now" button to start online PDF splitting
Finally, click "Download" to get the split PDF file
With this online PDF splitting method, the splitting work can be completed in less than a minute, which is simple and efficient; friends, please write it down!