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How to add watermark to pdf for free? Of course using this platform!

How to add watermark to pdf for free? Of course using this platform!

Marca d'água em PDF Marca d'água em PDF 1657 1657 09-24-2023

Many friends will put some important documents in pdf files, because files in pdf format cannot be modified, but in order to prevent copyright infringement and for the safety of the author's work, everyone will also add Watermarks, in fact, there are many ways to add watermarks, and some of them are free. Many friends want to add watermarks for free, so how to add watermarks to PDFs for free? What are the features of the PDF watermarking tool? Let me explain it to my friends in detail below.

This first step is to open the browser and search for PDFasset

How to add watermark to pdf for free? Of course using this platform!

The second step is to find the "watermark PDF" function and upload the document you need to process.

watermark pdf

The third step, Enter your watermark content and wait a few seconds to complete

The fourth step is to click the "Download" button to get the watermarked file.

How to add watermark to pdf for free? The above introduces you to the related issues about how to add watermarks to PDF files for free. If you want to add watermarks to PDF files for free, you can follow the above method, and you can also use special watermark adding tools, such as PDFasset, which makes it faster and more convenient to operate.​

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