In daily office, due to the needs of work, we need to convert Word to PDF,converting Word to PDF is actually very simple. You can directly save Word as PDF format. It is possible to convert one or two occasionally, but if you encounter a large batch of Word to PDF conversion, it will be troublesome and time-consuming to operate. So how to convert Word to PDF in batches? You will know after reading this article.
Step 1: Open the PDF online conversion platform:
Step 2: Click the "Word to PDF" function, enter the Word upload interface, and select the Word to be converted
Step 3: After uploading the file, click "Convert" to start Word to PDF
Step 4: After the conversion is completed, click "Download" to get the file after converting Word to PDF
The above is the batch conversion of Word to PDF operation, it is very simple, the conversion speed is fast, does not occupy computer memory, and retains the original document style and layout! Hurry up and try it!