In the course of our work, we often need to send Word documents to colleagues, but for reasons such as protecting the security of the documents, we will first convert Word into PDF format. However, during the conversion process, we sometimes find that the content is deformed or even garbled situation, what to do at this time. Next, we will introduce to you the method of converting word to pdf, and learn with me.
Open the browser and search for PDFasset
After entering the website, select the "Word to PDF" function and click to enter
Upload the Word you need to convert to this conversion window
Wait for a few seconds to complete the conversion
Through the introduction just now, I believe that everyone has already understood the method of converting word to pdf, and everyone must have learned this method! In fact, a good working environment is the key to improving work efficiency and reducing fault tolerance. For example, I often use PDFasset to complete the work of converting word to pdf, which is efficient and accurate.