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How to convert pdf to excel to keep the format intact?

How to convert pdf to excel to keep the format intact?

PDF в Excel PDF в Excel 1664 1664 11-16-2023

PDF documents are a file format that many users prefer to use. Just like Word documents, PDF documents not only contain text and picture information, but also tables, etc. If the content in the PDF document is presented in the form of a table, it is inconvenient for users to edit the content and the format is prone to confusion. You can convert the PDF document to an Excel table to make it more convenient to edit and process the content. After editing the content, convert it to a PDF document. . So how to convert PDF to excel to keep the format from confusing?

Step 1: Search "PDFasset" in your browser and click to enter the platform homepage.

How to convert pdf to excel to keep the format intact?

Step 2: Find and click "PDF to Excel" in "All Tools" on the homepage to enter the PDF file upload page.

pdf to excel

Step 3: After uploading the PDF file that needs to be converted, select the output Excel format. PDF provides three output formats: single worksheet, multiple working edges and generated working edges per page. Finally, click "Start Conversion" and it will be completed in a few seconds. You can view it in the original file directory.

The use of this pdf to excel online tool is very simple. Users can convert the file format with one click and can easily complete it without excessive operations.

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