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What is the method for merging PDFs? do you know?

What is the method for merging PDFs? do you know?

合併 PDF 合併 PDF 1788 1788 02-04-2024

How to merge multiple PDFs into one PDF? If you need to unify the format of multiple PDF files, merging may be a way to achieve this goal. In some cases, you may need to merge multiple PDF files, such as to create an e-book, report, or document set. The merge tool may limit the size of the files. If the file is too large, it may cause the merge to fail or cause problems with the merged file. Therefore, before merging, it is necessary to confirm the file size limit of the merge tool. The following is the simple PDF merging method I brought. If you need it, check it out!

The first step is to open the browser and search for the online conversion platform—PDFasset

What is the method for merging PDFs? do you know?

The second step is to find the "Merge PDF" function and upload the PDFs you want to merge to the conversion window.

merge pdf

The third step is to click the "Start Merging" button and wait for a few seconds to complete the PDF merging operation.

Step 4: Click the "Download" button to get the merged file

The above is the PDF merging method I introduced to you. By using this website, you can complete the PDF merging operation, which is very convenient and fast. If you also have needs related to PDF merging, you can go to this website to perform PDF merging operations.


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