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How to complete the conversion of PDF files to Excel? Workers should not miss it

How to complete the conversion of PDF files to Excel? Workers should not miss it

PDF ไปยัง Excel PDF ไปยัง Excel 1523 1523 10-19-2022

    How to complete the conversion of PDF files to Excel? As we all know, PDF is a file format designed and developed by Adobe, and it has many advantages that other format files cannot compare. For example, PDF compatibility and stability are very good, and the content of the document can be typeset Fixed, there will be no garbled content. However, PDF is inconvenient to edit, for example, to edit the table data in the PDF, what should I do at this time? At this time, you need to convert PDF to Excel. Let me take a look at the specific operation steps!

   Step 1, open your commonly used browser, search www.pdfasset.com, enter the home page and click the [PDF to Excel] function option

How to complete the conversion of PDF files to Excel? Workers should not miss it

   Step 2, wait for the interface to jump, click the [Select File] button, in the pop-up window, select the PDF file you need to convert, and [Open] to upload

PDF to Excel

   Step 3: After the file is uploaded, click [Start Conversion]. Wait a few seconds, after the progress bar is displayed, click [Download] to save the converted Excel file

   How to complete the conversion of PDF files to Excel? Is this method of converting PDF to Excel using PDasset official website simple and practical? Through this method, we can improve our office efficiency, let's learn quickly!

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