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Online PDF compression that works without a compressor

บีบอัด PDF บีบอัด PDF 1589 1589 10-29-2022

    I don’t know if you have ever experienced such a situation: you have already arrived home after get off work, and the boss suddenly sends a PDF file and asks you to compress it and send it to him, but the computer at home is not an office computer, and there is no PDF compressor. what do you do when Don't panic in the face of this situation. In fact, there is a way to complete the compression without a PDF compressor, and it is still PDF online compression. How to do it? Come and learn with me!

    First, we open the PDF online conversion platform: www.pdfasset.com

Online PDF compression that works without a compressor

    Select the "Compress  PDF" icon to upload the PDF file that needs to be compressed


    After the file is uploaded, click the "Start Compression" button to compress the PDF online.

    Finally, download the compressed PDF file to your computer.

   I will teach you the operation of PDF online compression. If you encounter a similar situation in the future, don't panic, follow the above steps to solve it smoothly!

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