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What is the method of pdf merging? I'll tell you

รวม PDF รวม PDF 1658 1658 11-17-2022

    Many people are not very familiar with the new office methods. For example, the PDF format has been commonly used in recent years. PDF files are not only used among colleagues and leaders, but even when Party A comes to the company, PDFs are sent. PDF has replaced the position of PPT in people's hearts to a certain extent, so let's take a look at what is the method of pdf merging? Hope to bring you some help.

    Step 1. Open your browser and search for www.pdfasset.com. After entering the homepage of the website, click [PDF Merge].

What is the method of pdf merging? I'll tell you

    Step 2: After waiting for the page to jump, click the [Select File] button, and in the pop-up window, select and open the PDF file you need to merge, and you can hold down the Ctrl key for batch operations.

merge PDF

    Step 3. After the file is uploaded, enter the file name and click [Start merging]. After a few seconds, click [Download] to get the merged file.

    Knowing what the method of pdf merging is, you can solve those difficulties and problems more easily in your work. Many times we don't know something, and we are afraid of it. After knowing the solution to this problem, the difficulties naturally appear to be less severe, which also improves our self-confidence to a certain extent.

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