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How to convert word to pdf format, do you know this method

Word เป็น PDF Word เป็น PDF 1749 1749 01-05-2023

Everyone uses a computer at work, and also installs some office software. Now there are many types of file formats, and the file format that people are most familiar with is word. However, sometimes at work, it is necessary to convert the format of the file, such as converting a word file to a pdf format. Now many people are not very familiar with the pdf format, so they don't know how to convert it, and they don't know how to edit the pdf format file. Next, I will introduce to you how to convert word to pdf format.

Open the browser and enter www.pdfasset.com

How to convert word to pdf format, do you know this method

After entering the website, click the "Word to PDF" function to enter the conversion window

convert word to pdf format

Upload the Word document to be converted to the conversion window, and click "Start Conversion"

Wait for a few seconds, you can complete the operation of Word to PDF

Now pdf has become a relatively common file format, but many friends are still relatively unfamiliar with it, and do not know how to convert and edit pdf files. Everyone is still used to using the word format at work. Many people want to know how to convert word to pdf format. As long as you follow the steps I introduced, you can convert word files to pdf format smoothly.

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