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What are the pdf compression methods?

บีบอัด PDF บีบอัด PDF 1393 1393 08-14-2023

There are many pdf compression methods on the market now, but some methods are not so effective, or the recommended platform or software requires payment. And most people don't want to add extra expenses to their work, so it is very important to find a convenient, simple and cost-effective method. Today, I recommend such a platform to everyone. This platform is PDFasset. Next, let’s take a look at the specific operation steps with me.

Step 1. Open the browser and search for PDFasset

What are the pdf compression methods

Step 2. Find the function of "Compress PDF"

compress pdf

Step 3. Upload your file to the document processing window, wait for a few seconds, and it will be completed

Step 4, click the "Download" button to get the compressed file

As long as we master the pdf compression method, it will not be a problem to deal with some work problems. There are various methods, and you must find the easiest and most convenient one that suits you, and apply it to your office and life. Only in this way can this method be effective and bring us value.

ก่อนหน้า: Which is the best pdf compression tool?

ถัดไป: Precautions for pdf compression

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